
Know someone who might be interested in becoming a surrogate while earning life changing compensation?

You'll automatically earn a $500 referral bonus if the woman you introduce us to matches with one of our hopeful families and becomes pregnant.

adoption support

Any potential surrogate you refer us to should meet most or all of the requirements below:

  • Be located in the state of Pennsylvania or West Virginia
  • Be a female between between the ages of 21-45
  • Had at least one successful past pregnancy 
  • Had no more than five previous deliveries or three deliveries via cesarean section
  • They have a healthy BMI, usually between 19-30
  • They have no ongoing mental health issues and currently do not take antidepressants or anti-anxiety medicine
  • They do not currently smoke or use illicit drugs
  • They can pass a standard medical screening for certain health conditions and sexually transmitted infections

Does the person you'd like to refer appear to meet most or all of the surrogacy requirements listed above?

If so, we'd love it if you could introduce us. Please provide us with your contact information and as well as some basic information about the potential surrogate you'd like to recommend. Both of you will receive a confirmation email after submitting the form and a representative from our firm will reach out to you both directly.

Your Name(Required)

Now tell a little about the potential surrogate you'd like to introduce us to....

Potential Surrogate's Name(Required)
Have they ever been a surrogate for another family in the past? (Previous surrogacy experience is not required)(Required)
Are they a US citizen or legal permanent resident?(Required)
Are they female between the ages of 21-42?(Required)
Have they given birth to a child in the past?(Required)
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