Should You Keep Your Adoption a Secret?
May 1, 2018
Choosing adoption for your baby can be a difficult decision. It’s even more difficult when you don’t have a strong support system and feel you have to keep your adoption a secret from certain people in your life for fear that they won’t understand or support you. While we always encourage you to confide
Read More5 Things to Know About Enforcing Open Adoption in PA
April 1, 2018
When it comes to openness in adoption, it’s more common today than ever before. In fact, 95 percent of adoptions completed today are either open or mediated, meaning there is some sort of communication between the birth parents and adoptive parents during and after the adoption process. However, even though open adoption is common,
Read MoreCan I Get My Child Back After Adoption in Pennsylvania?
March 1, 2018
As a prospective birth mother or someone who has already placed her baby for adoption, there may be a point where you may find yourself asking, “Can I get my baby back after adoption?” In many cases, this question may arise out of overwhelming feelings of fear, panic and uncertainty. Choosing to place a
Read MoreWhat You Should Know About Adoptive Family Profiles
February 1, 2018
When you decide to become parents through adoption, you know you’ll have to go through extensive background screening before being approved to adopt. But, whether you adopt through an agency or search for an adoption opportunity independently, there will be one more step before you can begin your search: the adoptive family profile. Adoptive
Read MoreBirth Mother Adoption Rights in Pennsylvania: What You Should Know
January 1, 2018
The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly is committed to protecting your adoption rights as a potential birth mother, as well as the rights and future of your baby. You can contact us with any questions that you may have about your legal rights in adoption; your legal counsel is paid for by the adoptive parents. Here are
Read More5 Questions You May Have About Safe Haven Adoption in Pennsylvania
December 1, 2017
Deciding you’re not ready to be a parent after your baby is born can be one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make. Some women feel guilt at the idea of “giving up” a child they thought they could raise, while others may feel like they’ve failed at motherhood. But that’s not the
Read MoreWill ICWA Impact Your Adoption?
November 1, 2017
ICWA (the Indian Child Welfare Act) is a federal law that protects children of members or eligible members of federally recognized Native American tribes. If the child you wish to adopt is a member or eligible to be a member of a tribe, they’ll be protected under ICWA laws.
Read MoreThe Best Interview Questions to Ask Adoptive Parents
October 1, 2017
Whether you’re just starting to learn about the adoption process and search for potential adoptive parents for your baby or you’ve already found a prospective adoptive family and you’re ready to talk to them for the first time, you’re probably worried about finding the right couple to adopt your child. You want your baby
Read MoreHow Long Does It Take To Adopt a Child in Pennsylvania?
September 1, 2017
Growing your family through adoption is an exciting process, and once you’ve decided to take that step, you will probably be eager to welcome a new child as soon as possible. However, after hearing that adoptions can take months or even years to complete, you may be wondering just how long the process will
Read MoreThinking About Adoption for Your Baby? What You Need to Know
August 2, 2017
Are you pregnant and looking into adoption for your baby? You’re not alone. Bierly & Rabuck have helped countless women in your situation place their babies with loving adoptive families that have been waiting and hoping for child. We partner with other adoption professionals in Pennsylvania and across the country to help you find
Read MoreEstablishing Universal Checklists When Lawyers and Social Workers Collaborate on Adoptions of Youth from the Foster Care System
April 19, 2016
With the passage and implementation of Adoption and Safe Family’s Act of 1997, thousands of adoptions of children and youth from the foster care system are occurring in every U.S. state and territory each year. After parental rights have been terminated, each adoption requires close collaboration between the lawyer finalizing the adoption and the social
Read MoreEstablishing Universal Checklists When Lawyers and Social Workers Collaborate on Adoptions of Youth from the Foster Care System
April 19, 2016
With the passage and implementation of Adoption and Safe Family’s Act of 1997, thousands of adoptions of children and youth from the foster care system are occurring in every U.S. state and territory each year. After parental rights have been terminated, each adoption requires close collaboration between the lawyer finalizing the adoption and the social
Read MoreThe Right Side of History
July 29, 2015
Some days are more significant than others in our world of adoption. Friday, June 26, 2015, was one of those days. For twenty five years I have represented same sex couples in the endeavor to build their families. Until that recent Friday in June, children born or adopted into these families were especially vulnerable. For
April 22, 2015
THE PROBLEM In today’s modern family it is not unusual for a parent to marry and the new step parent to assume the role of the second primary parent to the child. I will explain the legal implications of this arrangement using the most common scenario- a household consisting of a biological mother and step
Read MoreIntercountry Adoption: Reactions by South Korean Adult Adoptees
January 16, 2015
Recently an article appeared in the New York Times authored by a reporter who had adopted two children from South Korea. She traveled to South Korea this Fall and met with several adult adoptees who had moved back to South Korea as adults in an attempt to reconnect with their pre adoption culture. Their views
Read MoreWhy Choose Pennsylvania for a Gestational Surrogacy Case?
January 12, 2015
This blog post specifically addresses gestational surrogacy law in Pennsylvania, and why Pennsylvania has been a surrogacy friendly state for many years. You may have heard the fact that each state in the United States has different surrogacy laws. This is true. In some states it is much “safer” to proceed with a surrogacy. Indeed,
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