
Your Resources for Surrogacy in State College, PA

Thinking about surrogacy in State College, PA? By coming to this webpage, you’ve already started your journey off on the right foot.

Some of the most important decisions to make in your State College surrogacy journey are which professionals you work with along the way. Not all surrogacy professionals are created equal; every intended parent and surrogate needs to think hard about their personal surrogacy goals and preferences to select the surrogacy professional who can serve them best.

With so many Pennsylvania surrogacy professionals to choose from, these decisions can be tough. To help you out, The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly has created this resource list for your surrogacy in State College, detailing the services you’ll need and the best places to find them in your area.

If you are ever in doubt about what services you need for your personal surrogacy journey, we encourage you to reach out to our surrogacy professionals at 814-237-7900 or contact us online. In the meantime, learn more about the professionals you’ll need in your State College surrogacy below.

Let The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly Be Your State College Surrogacy Attorney

Every intended parent and surrogate completing a surrogacy in State College, PA, will need the assistance of a Pennsylvania-licensed surrogacy attorney. Fortunately, our legal professionals are here to help.

Our team includes an experienced Pennsylvania surrogacy lawyer who can guide you through every step of your legal surrogacy process. When you work with The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly, our attorney will:

  • Discuss with you your personal surrogacy goals and preferences to ensure your journey meets all necessary surrogacy laws and legal protocols
  • Negotiate a legal surrogacy contract with your surrogacy partner’s lawyer, including rights and responsibilities, risks and liabilities, surrogate compensation and more
  • Ensure parental rights are protected through any necessary pre-birth or post-birth parentage orders or adoptions
  • Coordinate with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the hospital to ensure proper handling of the baby’s birth certificate
  • Provide legal counsel and support from start to finish
  • And more

Because you and your surrogacy partner will need separate legal representation, our surrogacy attorney can always provide references to other trusted surrogacy lawyers in State College or elsewhere in Pennsylvania. For your own surrogacy representation, look no further than our own attorney.

For more information about our legal surrogacy services, or to start your surrogacy journey today, please contact our legal professionals.

Do You Need a State College Surrogacy Agency?

One of the decisions you will have to make in your State College surrogacy journey is whether or not you wish to work with a surrogacy agency. For many intended parents and gestational carriers, a surrogacy agency can be invaluable in providing the case management and support they need, especially if they are embarking on their first-ever surrogacy journey.

But, did you know that if you work with The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly, you’ll receive many of the same surrogacy services that you would if you hired a surrogacy agency?

At The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly, we pride ourselves on offering more than just legal services to our clients. When intended parents and surrogates hire us as their surrogacy attorney, they will also receive services including:

  • Explanation of surrogacy requirements to ensure you are eligible for the process
  • Assistance finding the perfect surrogacy partner, whether it’s an intended parent or gestational carrier
  • Facilitation of contact between you and your surrogacy partner
  • References to and coordination with other professionals providing additional services you require
  • Support and information through every step of the process
  • And more

For many of our surrogacy clients, the services we offer eliminate any need for a State College surrogacy agency. However, should you wish to obtain additional services from a local surrogacy agency, our professionals are happy to provide references to local professionals that can help.

State College Surrogacy Clinics

Even if you choose to complete an independent surrogacy journey with your surrogacy program, there is still another surrogacy professional you must work with: a surrogacy clinic. Also known as a fertility clinic, a surrogacy clinic is the professional responsible for the majority of steps in the surrogacy process, including:

  • Screening a gestational carrier to ensure she meets medical eligibility requirements
  • Preparing her for embryo transfer with a fertility medical protocol
  • Completing the embryo transfer procedure
  • Confirming her pregnancy

Once a pregnancy is confirmed, a gestational carrier can work with her local obstetrician to obtain prenatal care and delivery assistance. However, she will need to travel to her intended parents’ surrogacy clinic for the first steps of the medical process. Many intended parents have existing relationships with surrogacy clinics located outside of State College or even outside of Pennsylvania, and that’s okay. They will simply need to pay for their carrier’s travel expenses for these medical appointments.

As mentioned above, your surrogacy clinic need not be located near you to serve its purpose. Our professionals recommend these regional clinics for any intended parents who have not yet selected a fertility doctor for their surrogacy in State College:

Knowing where to start with a surrogacy in State College, PA, can be confusing — but the professionals at The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly are here to help. Whether you are looking for a surrogacy attorney or other surrogacy services, or you’re just trying to decide whether surrogacy is the right path for you, we encourage you to contact our surrogacy professionals at 814-237-7900. We are always available to answer whatever questions you have and help you get started with your State College surrogacy whenever you are ready.

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