Is Adoption Right for You?

Adoption vs. Abortion in PA: Which is Right for You?
Why should you choose adoption over abortion? What are the differences between abortion and adoption? Find the answers to these questions and more to help you decide which unplanned pregnancy option is right for you.

“Should I Keep My Baby?”: Parenting vs. Adoption
If you’re thinking, “I’m pregnancy and don’t want the baby,” remember that you always have options. Find out more here about adoption vs. keeping the baby in Pennsylvania to help you decide which unplanned pregnancy option is right for you.

11 Questions to Ask About Giving a Baby Up for Adoption in PA
Wondering what to ask when giving a baby up for adoption in Pennsylvania? Check out 10 of the most frequently asked questions about giving up for adoption here, and let The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly provide the answers you need to make the best decision for you.