
5 Common Questions About Finding the Perfect Adoptive Parents

As an expectant mother considering adoption, finding adoptive parents may be the most important part of your adoption plan.

That’s because choosing the perfect adoptive family can not only help you feel more comfortable and confident during the adoption process — it can also help you provide your child with the type of future you want for him or her.

Because the choice of adoptive parents is so important, you likely have many questions about the people who may end up raising your child. Here, find answers to five common questions about parents looking to adopt a newborn.

1. Can you pick who you adopt your baby to?

You are in control of your adoption plan, and that means it is up to you to choose the perfect adoptive parents for your baby. You will decide what qualities you want in an adoptive family, and then select the perfect parents based on any number of factors, including:

– Their location, community and home environment

– Their cultural and religious background

– Their interests, values and lifestyle

– Their beliefs about parenting, adoption and family

– The type of post-adoption relationship they want to have with you

– Their family dynamics, the number of other children they currently have, and their relationships with extended family

– Their lifestyle and hobbies

– The opportunities they will provide for your child

– And more

2. Who are people who want to adopt a baby?

In Pennsylvania and across the country, there are currently hundreds of waiting families for adoption. These hopeful parents come from all different backgrounds and have many different reasons for choosing adoption. Many are young couples adopting after struggling with infertility, while others are unmarried individuals or same-sex couples looking to adopt a child to start their families.

While there are many types of families looking to adopt, they all have one thing in common: they have completed a thorough screening process to ensure their homes are safe and they are truly ready for the adoption process. This screening process includes a detailed home study, in which a social worker visits the adoptive home, conducts interviews with the adoptive family, performs criminal background checks, and more.

This process assures you that any waiting families you consider are prepared for adoption and ready to share their lives with a child.

3. How can I start looking for a couple to adopt my baby?

When you contact The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly to make an adoption plan for your baby, we will meet with you to learn more about you, your adoption goals, and the characteristics you are looking for in adoptive parents. Based on your preferences, we will begin looking for adoptive parents who may be a good fit for you.

Once we have found potentially compatible families who want to adopt, you will have an opportunity to view their adoptive parent profiles. These adoption profiles include a variety of text and pictures to help you get to know each hopeful family.

From these waiting families’ profiles, you can select adoptive parents you would like to learn more about, and The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly can coordinate pre-placement contact for you. Remember, meeting with potential adoptive parents does not obligate you to move forward with them. You can repeat this process as many times as necessary to find a family that is perfect for you and your child.

4. Once I find adoptive parents for my baby, can I get to know them?

When you find an adoption profile that stands out to you, you may get to know the adoptive parents through pre-placement phone calls, emails, and even in-person visits. The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly can coordinate this contact for you, or if you are working with an adoption agency for matching services, your adoption specialist may mediate this contact.

It will be up to you to decide what type of relationship you want to have with the adoptive family before and after placement. You may choose to stay in close contact with them throughout your pregnancy, include them in your hospital plan, and keep in touch with them after placement through open or semi-open adoption.

5. What if I already know someone to adopt my baby?

Many expectant mothers contact The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly after finding adoptive parents on their own or through another professional. If you are pursuing adoption with a family you already know, you can begin working with The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly to legally complete your adoption.

Whatever type of adoptive parents you envision for your child, The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly can provide all of the services you need to find them. Whether you need help looking for a family for adopting or are ready to move forward with an adoptive family you already know, you can contact The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly at any time, for free and with no obligation, to get started.

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