Unplanned Pregnancy Help

Are you considering an adoption plan for your baby?
The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly can help. You have the right, both legally and morally, to choose your own adoptive family. You also have the right to receive supportive counseling, both before and after the birth. We understand that managing the details may feel scary and overwhelming to you. Rest assured, you are not alone. Let us assist you in this matter.
If you would like help in this practice area, please submit the form (below). A representative from our team will contact you soon.

You Are Not Giving Up by Choosing Adoption
This is your baby, your decision, and your adoption plan. Here’s what you need to know about giving a baby up for adoption in Pennsylvania.

Do Birth Mothers Really Get Paid for Adoption?
It is a common question on the mind of prospective birth mothers: Do you get paid to give your baby up for adoption?

5 Common Questions About Finding the Perfect Adoptive Parents
As a woman considering adoption, finding adoptive parents may be the most important part of your adoption plan. Here’s how to find the perfect family in PA.

7 Things You Should Know About Adoption After Pregnancy in Pennsylvania
Whether you’re in the final weeks of your pregnancy or your baby has already been born, here’s how to complete the last-minute adoption process in Pennsylvania.

How Open Adoption is Legally Enforced in Pennsylvania
Whether you are interested in open or semi-open adoption, learn how a Post Adoption Contact Agreement can ensure your relationship with your baby is protected.

Our Services
Looking for help giving a baby up for adoption in Pennsylvania? Let the attorney at The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly provide the support and guidance you need to make the best choice for you.

Is Adoption Right for You?
Trying to decide whether to give your baby up for adoption in Pennsylvania? Find out more about this process here to determine whether it is the right path for you.