
Deciding you’re not ready to be a parent after your baby is born can be one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make. Some women feel guilt at the idea of “giving up” a child they thought they could raise, while others may feel like they’ve failed at motherhood.

But that’s not the case — deciding to place your child for adoption after you’ve tried being a parent is one of the most mature decisions you can make. Recognizing that you can’t be the parent you want to be is a selfless decision and nothing to be ashamed of.

Some overwhelmed mothers don’t realize they can still place a child for adoption after birth and instead turn to safe haven laws that protect them if they relinquish the custody of their baby at a safe haven location. If you’re considering a safe haven baby adoption in Pennsylvania, you may have a few questions about the process. We’ve answered them for you below:

  1. When can I relinquish my newborn with safe haven laws?

In Pennsylvania, you can relinquish the custody of your newborn under safe haven laws as long as they are less than 28 days old.

  1. Where can I leave my newborn?

The only place you can leave your newborn is with a healthcare provider at a hospital. There are no “baby drop off boxes” in Pennsylvania; you must directly put your child into the custody of another person to avoid charges of child abandonment.

  1. Does the law protect my anonymity? Do I have to give information about my baby?

Pennsylvania law does not specifically protect your anonymity, but it also does not state you have to provide medical history or identifying information for your newborn. However, it’s highly recommended you provide that information to aid in a quicker adoption process for your baby.

  1. What happens after I leave my baby with a healthcare provider?

Once a mother has relinquished custody of her child for a safe haven baby adoption in Pennsylvania, the healthcare provider will contact the county agency and the local municipal police department, who will write a report and then start the adoption process for your child.

  1. Will I face any legal charges for giving up the custody of my newborn?

As long as you express your intent to have the hospital accept your newborn and the newborn is not a victim of child abuse or criminal conduct, you will not be held criminally liable for child abandonment.

For some mothers, placing their baby for a safe haven adoption may seem like the best solution when they are overwhelmed and unprepared to be parents. However, just because it seems like the best choice for you does not mean it’s always the best decision for your child.

If you want to make sure your child is adopted into a safe and loving family quickly, you might instead pursue an adoption through The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly. Just like a safe haven baby adoption, you will not face legal repercussions for terminating your parental rights — and you can be absolutely sure that your child will have the best future possible.

An adoption with The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly will let you:

At the end of the day, the only one who can decide what’s best for you and your child is you, but we highly encourage working with us to ensure a safe and quick adoption process for your baby. Here at The Law Offices of Denise M. Bierly, you can call us confidentially, for free and with no obligation at 814-237-7900 or contact us online here to talk about your adoption situation.

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